7 Ways To Get Make More Free-Time

October 16, 2018

We’ve looked at the importance of leisure time and how you can embrace it. But how does that help you if you can’t seem to find any free time in the first place? With the demands of work and other responsibilities, it can be difficult to see where any time to yourself might come from. However, it is possible to manage your work, obligations and whatever else is on your plate to allow you to get everything done and still have time to kick back.

Make a schedule.

A solid and detailed schedule can make all the difference in the world. If you’re finding yourself run off your feet, jumping from task-to-task, sit down and plan out your day. Carving out some actual time in the day for yourself and sticking to it is the best way to be sure you’re getting enough ‘you time’.

Manage your tasks.

No doubt you have enough to do to fill an entire day. But does it all have to get done now? Once you start to build that schedule, you can start to prioritize your responsibilities a little more. No need to tackle everything right when it comes up. Check things off in an efficient way that allows you to accomplish what you need to while still keeping your schedule under control.

Identify where you’re wasting time.

We all waste time – even the most professional among us. And sometimes we’re wasting time while we’re trying to be efficient. The good news is, there’s always room to improve our time management abilities. Do an audit of your day and find those areas where you could be using your time more effectively. You might just find there are more free hours in the day than you thought.

Rebuild your routine.

While routines can be very helpful for keeping you on task, they can also build bad habits. You might find that your daily routine eats up a lot of your time as it stands. Don’t be afraid to reconstruct your daily routine in a way that is better suited to your new schedule and makes the most of your time.

Keep work separate.

While building and maintaining an effective work schedule is important, you also need some self-awareness. When you leave work for the day, are you really putting work aside? Do you do a little work at home? Maybe stay up a little later to finish some things? Know where to divide work from the rest of your life. We should all be able to get the job done without it overrunning our lives.


Sometimes, those little reminders make it even harder to step away from work. We see emails coming in and it can be almost instinctual to reply to them, then you’re sucked into more work. Disconnect every now and then when appropriate. Take some time away from the emails and phone calls. Trust me, it feels nice.

Go out.

While free time can be a great excuse to relax, getting out of the house can help you make that time your own. Escape work and chores by leaving it all behind. It helps keep you active and opens up all sorts of possibilities for how to spend your free time.


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