6 Things To Do After A Job Interviews

September 28, 2018

You nailed the job interview. Now what?

Successfully giving a job interview is no small feat. Being chosen among the many qualified candidates to reach that next stage in the hiring process is an achievement itself. Then comes to considerable preparations needed to make that important impression. And, of course, dealing with the stress of the actual interview. To have that all done and feel confident in how it went can be a big weight off the shoulders. Unfortunately, the work is not quite over yet. Be sure you know the important steps to take following any job interview.

Get proper contact information.

Before you even leave the interview room, be sure you have all the proper contact information so you can keep the lines of communication open. Leading up to the interview, communication can sometimes be a little informal. This is the chance to encourage a little more personal connection moving forward. Collect business cards from everyone in the room and, of course, be sure they have your contact information as well.

Digest the experience.

Once you’ve left, find a quiet spot to sit and go over the interview you just have while it’s still fresh in your mind. Don’t move on without examining things. Learn from the experience, identify anything that might need to be cleared up and think about how satisfied your are with it all. With any luck, you won’t have to do another job interview again, but in case you do, it’s good to know how you can improve.

Write a thank you email.

The follow-up email is not just a nice gesture, it’s a necessity of the interview process. It shows you have a vested interest in this job and you take it seriously. It shows you’re ready to move to the next step. Open up the communications with a simple ‘thank you’ note to those who interviewed you. Express your gratitude for the chance they gave you and establish that you will be reaching out to them as they make their decision. 

Stay connected.

Beyond the initial ‘thank you’ message, be sure to keep in contact with your interviewers as they make their decision. You want to continue to stick out as a candidate. Ask follow-up questions about the process going forward and allow them the opportunity to reach out to your with more questions. 

Don’t be pushy.

While follow-up communication is essential, it does require a bit of awareness on your part. While your interviewers will be eager to see your invested interest in the position, it can be annoying to be constantly pestered by someone when you’re trying to make a decision. Don’t just send a message asking if they’ve made a decision. Confidence is good but being too pushy is more likely to turn them off.

Get back to work.

Of course, we can’t put all our eggs in one basket, so as much as you might think you nailed the interview and are a shoe-in for the job, you don’t have it yet. So it’s time to get back on the hunt and refocus your efforts on the next interview. Finding work is a full-time job and if you treat it seriously then you’re sure to succeed.


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