
5 Ways To Motivate Yourself On The Weekends

September 23, 2018

Keep yourself focused and take advantage of your weekend opportunities.

After a long and hard work week, a weekend full of nothing but lying on the couch looks pretty good. Of course, then comes Monday and the regret of not getting anything done. The weekends are a great opportunity to get some out-of-office things accomplished as well as get out and make the most of your free time. It can be hard motivating yourself to get active on the weekend, some follow these tips for feeling accomplished come Monday morning.

Stick to your morning routine.

Most of us have a pretty set routine for our weekday mornings (if you don’t you should develop one). It’s a great way to start off the day right and get yourself moving. Come the weekend, there’s no reason why you have to do away with your routine. Go for your morning jog, make you morning breakfast and do your morning meditation. It can help you feel ready to take on the day and get things done.

Build a routine for the rest of the day.

Once your morning routine is done and you don’t head off to the office, it can derail that motivated feeling. Therefore, in order to take full advantage of your morning energy, put together a plan for the rest of the day. What do you hope to accomplish this weekend? Build a schedule for tackling your to-do list and get to work on it. So much structure on your weekend might seem like a bummer but it will allow you to be productive with your to-dos.

Don’t get lazy at meal time.

Along with the desire to just laze around on the weekends, meal time can be another aspect we don’t put as much effort into. We might plan our meals for the work week but on the weekend there’s a lot of eating whatever is around, grabbing something quick or skipping meals altogether. Plan out healthy and nutritious meals to keep your energy up for the day. No need to slack off on our healthy eating just because it’s Saturday.

Make plans and don’t break them.

It can be so easy to be anti-social on the weekend. You just want to stay inside and relax. But there’s so much you’re missing out on by staying in the whole weekend. Avoid this funk by making plans. Find events and activities you’re actually interested in. Or just hangout with friends. Force yourself to keep these plans and you’ll be glad you pushed yourself out of the house.


Even with all there is to do on the weekend, you still deserve sometime to relax and unwind. Find sometime where you can kick your feet up without anything else on your mind. It’s healthy to take some quiet time every now and then. You’ll find it’s something to look forward to all week long.

How do you stay motivated on the weekends?


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