7 Best Super Bowl Commercials Of 2017

February 6, 2017

Well, last night’s game will go down in history as one of the greatest Super Bowl matches ever. Not only did the Pats pull through on a massive comeback, but it is also the first time in Super Bowl history that the game went into overtime. Anyone who missed the game is probably kicking themselves today, not only for missing the football action, but also all the great ads. Super Bowl commercials are always such a big part of the night and this year was no different. You had the funny ads, the heartwarming ads, and quite a number of ads that commented on America’s current political climate. So if you missed out on the big moments, take a look at the top ads from last night.


It takes a lot of guts for a company that is so identifiable with an America to take a stance on the country’s political field. There are some that will say a beer commercial has no right to be commenting on such matters and that they should stop preaching. And yes, there has been a bit of backlash from Trump supporters calling for a boycott of the beer, but this commercial is undeniably moving. The story of a German immigrant who didn’t fought adversity to create America’s favourite beer is not a subtle dig at Trump, but it is entirely effective in its message.


It seems more and more in recent years that this strange company has consistently given us the funniest Super Bowl commercials. This year was no different, with this hilarious entry about a secret cult who is having a tough time keeping all the world’s biggest secrets under wraps. Does it have anything to do with avocados? No, not really. Will it make you laugh? Guaranteed.


This past American election has likely caused some fathers to have some difficult conversation with their daughters. The country went from almost electing the first female president to electing a man who has said some awful things about women. This commercial directly addresses those parental concerns with a voiceover of a father asking himself a not so simple question; “what do I tell my daughter”?


Celebrities are always a big part of Super Bowl commercials but they have never been used in a more innovative or effective way than they were in this ad. We take a look at old high school photos of actors and musicians before they were famous, such as Tina Fey, Robert Redford and Viola Davis. Then the pictures some to life and the celebrities speak to us about following through on our dreams no matter who we are. Clever, sweet and memorable.


A little action in a Super Bowl ad is always welcome, and who better to usher it in than two of todays biggest action stars, Jason Statham and Gal Gadot. The ad needs little set-up and simply finds the two butt-kickers trying to enjoy a nice dinner when they are interrupting by thugs. A lot of kicks, punch and headbutts ensue. While not as daring as some of the night’s other ads, it did manage to pack a punch so to speak.


Kids, athletes and cars. Three ingredients for a sure-fire Super Bowl ad. The spot takes place at a kid’s football game where a couple of the spectator dads admire the new Buick. One of the dad makes the comment, “If that’s a Buick, then me son is Cam Newton” and… well you can probably guess what happens next.


Rob Gronkowski sadly had to sit out of the big game, but that didn’t stop him from being a bog part of the night. He appeared in several spots, but this one was the most memorable. It saw him running a small dry cleaners service that will clean your shirt, but also give you a special “Gronk” restyling.

What was your favourite ad of the night?

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