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6 Common Job Interview Mistakes

September 10, 2018

Been a while since your last job interview? Learn the common mistakes you need to avoid.

Job interviews are a tremendous opportunity for any job seeker. After presenting yourself as just a resume, you finally have the chance for one-on-one discussion of why you’re the right person for the job. It’s an opportunity that you need to take full advantage of. Are you ready for that? If you have not gone through the interview process in a while, your skills may not be as polished as they need to be. Be sure you’re presenting your best self and avoid these common job interview mistakes.

Not doing homework.

Confidence is a great quality for a job interview, but make sure that confidence isn’t replacing preparation. Regardless of the position and your experience, looking into the organization is always important. Read up on their history, check out their social media pages, talk to people who have worked there. The more you know going in, the more they will be able to see you as a good fit for them. 

Not showing passion for the job.

The job search process can be exhausting and draining. Sometimes it’s difficult to keep up the enthusiasm. But if there’s a time to summon as much positive energy as possible, it’s during a job interview. You need to go in with the attitude that you want it more than anyone else. That means convincing yourself, as well as the employers. Make them believe your passion, because playing “hard to get” doesn’t actually work.

Letting your nerves get out of control.

Job interviews are high pressure situations and it’s only natural to get nervous. But it’s still something that can hurt your impression if not kept under control. Regardless your impressive experience, if you can’t sell your skills in a clear and articulate way they will have a hard time hiring you. There are breathing techniques and simple stress relievers that can help. But the best way to battle your nerves is by being prepared.

Body language.

Body language can be difficult to recognize in ourselves. However, negative body language in a job interview is something you’ll need to be aware of. You can be saying all the right things, but if your body is giving off a different message, it’s hard to ignore. Slouched shoulders, bad posture, furrowed brow are all things that show you are either contemptuous, irritated or indifferent to the situation. None of which are things you want to express in an interview. Practice positive body language and then your message will be consistent across the board.


One area often discussed in a job interview is your experiences with other companies. For some reason, some interviewees think that voicing all their frustrations about their past work somehow paints them in a positive light. Employers are looking at your history as an employee. If they see someone who has nothing but negativity towards their work, it doesn’t bode well. We’ve all had bad work experiences, but this is not the time to revisit them. Instead, use these experiences to showcase how you handle negative situations in productive ways. 

Asking no questions.

Usually, at the end of the interview, you’ll be asked if you have any questions. It’s an opportunity too few interviewees take advantage of. Employers want you to be passionate and interested in the position. Clarify any areas that aren’t clear to you, ask for more details about the position, better understand the responsibilities. If nothing else, this will help to show you are serious about the position and ready to come prepared to do the work. 


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