Writers Wanted! Contribute Your Own Article to The Hub

October 7, 2015

Do you love to write? Are you craving an outlet for you musings on a variety of subjects? Can you write about topics that are important to the boomers community? Then we want to hear from you!

We’re looking for talented and passionate writers to contribute to our Boomerswork.com blog, The Hub. Seeing as Boomerswork.com caters specifically to the baby boomer generation, The Hub was created as a source of news, advice, and entertainment aimed at boomers. After all, work isn’t everything, so we want to offer our boomers community a wide range of topics that interest them. Our blog posts deal with advice on retirement, tips on great vacation spots, the latest in the world of sports and entertainment, and much more.

Now it’s time to hear from some other members of our community of boomers and bring new voices to The Hub. So if you’d like the chance to write an original article to be published on The Hub, send a quick message to our Communications Manager, Colin McCormick at colin@boomerswork.com. From there we’ll work with you to find the right topics for The Hub and allow you to contribute your original work.

This is a volunteer role and there is no expectations concerning your commitment or deadlines for your piece. We reserve final judgment on which pieces will be published and when they will be published. While your work may receive some edits from our team, you will receive sole credit for any of your pieces published on The Hub.

So let your ideas be heard and join the community!

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Complete the following form to let us know who you are and what you would like more information about, and someone will get in touch within 1 business day.