App for Adult Audiendes

The Social App for Mature Audiences Only

April 30, 2020

(article provided by Amintro)

Not your kid’s App!

Amintro has been around for a while now and one thing we want to be very clear about is this is NOT your kid’s App! No one is peeking at your profile page in an inappropriate way, we’re not encouraging you to post a thousand “duck-faced” selfies nor is there anything “snappy” about our chats! The only thing “Insta” about us is our penchant for instant coffee and as for TikTok? As far as we know that’s the sound a clock makes – nothing more and nothing less. Nope, Amintro is for mature audiences only. We offer a variety of articles, blogs and news you can use on a wide range of topics. Wait – what? What kind of article did you think this was going to be? Nope, we’re not that kind of App either. We’re for audiences 50+ looking to make new friends, live life and who share a common interest, hobby or pastime, even if that “special interest” is the shared feeling that as a card-carrying member of the sandwich generation, most of the time we’re feeling like that sandwich has just been sat on by an elephant!

If you found your way to this blog through a link from elsewhere, we invite you to stay awhile and take some time to browse through the Amintro site where you can find out more about how to use the Amintro app to make new friends, read interesting articles and learn more about the benefits of life after 50. If you’re already a member, you know the benefits we offer and there’s more to come in 2020. Share the articles and blogs you find here with your friends, family and neighbours, perhaps even call up a new friend you made the Amintro way to share a conversation about which blog or article you found the most helpful, interesting or yes, perhaps even controversial.  Download the Amintro app to your mobile device and you’ll always have a ready source of information and conversation starters for wherever you happen to be; from the checkout line at the grocery store, to the deck chair on your next cruise to a sunny destination.

Here are just a few of the benefits our App offers members:

  • An opportunity to connect with people in your own community but simply haven’t had a chance to meet yet.
  • A chance to increase your circle of friends. What could ever be wrong about having more friends?
  • Experience something new by trying out a sport, club, game or activity with a new Amintro friend you met while using our App.
  • Become more social and outgoing as you make new friends.
  • Get out of the house – isolation is a silent threat that can lead to depression, anxiety and certainly we already know it causes loneliness.
  • Wake up every day with a renewed sense of purpose.
  • Create new adventures – adventures you’re sharing with friends.
  • Redefine your next act! We love this one. You’ve been lots of things in life; a Parent, a Caregiver, an Employee – now who would you like to be?
  • Stay busy – see point #5 – “Get out of the House more.”
  • Learn something new. Have you always wanted to learn how to ice-skate? Try Cake-making? Woodworking? Now’s your chance!
  • Laugh more, because sometimes laughter really is “the best medicine.”
  • Meet new people from all walks of life. Amintro members come from countries around the world and from every faith tradition. They’ve held a variety of types of employment. Learn something new from a new friend.
  • Take advantage of activities and events in your community or abroad – it’s more fun to travel with a friend or even as a group of friends!
  • It’s free (and after all – who doesn’t love a free app?)
  • Live life! Enough said….

Probably the best thing about our App is that it’s member driven.

We hear from our members on a regular basis about what they are looking for in the App, how they like to use it and what information they want us to share. Many of our posts come as a direct result of a member request. We actively encourage feedback and do our best to respond promptly to all queries and then we go out and source the information our membership is looking for. We make it easy for you to share a question, comment or concern with our 24/7 Contact Form. We make it easy to join Amintro too with your initial free membership application taking as little as 20 seconds to get started. Your profile is safe and private and you share as much, or as little, as you want. Take a moment or two to watch the video to learn more about the process.

I know we said earlier “this isn’t your kid’s app” but if you are on other social media, Amintro does have a Facebook page and we’re on Instagram too. So while this is definitely NOT your kid’s App, the Amintro team is “App Savvy” and we invite you to connect with us using whatever platform makes you the most comfortable. Even if you think “tweeting” is for the birds – you’ll find us on Twitter too! About the only place you won’t find us – ever – is under “Mature Content” because while we are not your kid’s App and might be for mature audiences only, we are only about making friendships that are meaningful and lasting, not “Friends with benefits” if you’re familiar with the lingo. At Amintro, we’re all about encouraging folks who are 50+ to go out, “live life” – and maybe make a few new friends along the way!

About Amintro: The social platform exclusively for those 50+ and their network. Amintro brings people together for community and resources, connecting them to information, products and services for inspired living.


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