
Everyone Needs to Eat

April 30, 2020

Square Roots is a social enterprise tackling food insecurity and food waste in Nova Scotian communities. Their core model purchases local produce that normally does not make it onto store shelves, aka seconds, packs it in 10lb bundles and makes it available to consumers at a very low cost.

In response to the community impacts of COVID-19, Square Roots has pivoted and made a new program available. They are now donating 500lbs of produce to each community program. This makes a difference for about 50 families in each community every week. In addition, community supporters such as MLAs and local businesses can donate toward purchasing large amounts of fresh produce from Square Roots so it can be given at no cost to those in need. This means even more families are supported.

Eric Covert, our BoomersPlus tech guru extraordinaire, and his family are volunteers with Square Roots and suggested we get involved. The latest information for the program in their community of Fairview / Clayton Park in Nova Scotia is on Facebook @squarerootsfcp (or click the above image)

As a company with its founding roots in Nova Scotia and in recognition of National Volunteer Week 2020, our team decided to make a monetary donation and provide Square Roots with a Sounding Board Virtual Adviser to support the ongoing operations.

Join Us!

Strengthen a critical community initiative and ensure vulnerable people have resources to keep going.  Donate food, time, or money to Square Roots or your community food bank.

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