What Are Boomers Looking For In Their Travels?

October 19, 2017

According to a new survey, boomers travel more than any other demographic. On average they spend 27 days a year on vacation, which means their trends and interests are of great concern to those in the travel business. The same survey attempted to identify some of the main travel trends for the various age groups, and there are some very interesting insights as to what the average baby boomer is looking for in their travel plans. But how well do these popular trends meet your own interests? Let’s look at some of the findings from the survey and what it tells us about travelling boomers.

How They Travel

Vacation can be a pricy experience no matter who you are, but it seems that boomers are the age group that can be incur the expensive trips. This is not to say that every boomer out there has the means to fulfill their dream getaway, but their travel habits suggest their budgets are a little more flexible than most others. This means that they are more set on where they want to go on their vacation rather than what the best deals are. While the younger generations tend to seek out the cheapest ways to travel and then go from there, a majority of boomers begin their travel plans with a destination already decided on. They are also not too interested in all the latest in travel apps and services like Airbnb. Most boomers stick to the old fashion ways and book their flights and hotels right on the websites. There are also a number of them who still go through booking agents.

Where They Travel

Family seems to be an important factor in boomer travel plans. A large majority of boomer trips are taken to visit family members living in other cities. They are likely to take at least one annual trip to visit relatives, whether it be for holidays, events or just visits. However, the family theme doesn’t continue as strong as you might think in regard to their travel companions. It seems millennials have passed boomers as the age group most likely to travel with their family. This might not actually be all that surprising considering in most boomer families, the kids are grown and starting families of their own. But on the other end, most boomers are not interested in travelling solo which means there’s a large number of couple’s trips going on.

Why They Travel

Finally, exploring more of what’s fun about travelling, let’s have a look at what makes boomers tick on their vacations. As we already mentioned, that boomers like to visit family in their travels, but that doesn’t mean they don’t seek out their own fun. One of the main attractions for boomer travellers is a nice beach. They tend to take trips in the cold3r winter months and wisely seek out the sun and relaxation hot spots. However, it’s certainly not all sunbathing and sand castles for these veteran travellers. Boomers also tend to seek out different types of culture on their trips, like museums and art galleries.

So, looking at the top trends in travel for boomers, how closely do they align with your vacation desires? What else do you look for in your getaways? Let us know in the comments below.

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