The Size Of The Older Generation Is Too Large To Ignore

May 5, 2017

Recent data from the Canadian census shows that, while Canada is still a relatively young country in terms of population, for the first time, the older generation has overtaken the young. We’ve seen it heading this way for a long time, as the massive boomer generation heads into retirement age and beyond. So with a demographic of this immense size, why are they still being ignored?

This is not to say that boomers are a constantly put-upon group whose issues and concerns are never addressed. What I mean by “ignored” refers to the business world. So many has written this older generation off within the professional sphere. Despite the size of the group, companies, industries and employers feel they have no more to offer, be it because they are too old or because they have no desire. We can point to a number of examples that disapprove both of those theories. Boomers are not slowing down by any means. Our company exists solely based on the demand of this generation to keep working well past the so-called “retirement age”. We’ve also seen that boomers are still spending, and in industries like movies, they make up a large portion of consumers.

We’ve seen the concerns that have arisen about the lack of experience within the workforce as the more seasoned professionals retire. Employers and industry experts fail to recognize that, while some of the talent will no doubt retire, there are scores of high-trained, experienced and eager professionals who just want to work. Boomerswork continue to shine a light of these professionals, matching them with opportunities and positions that require their level of wisdom in the job. Going forward, hopefully more and more businesses will recognize the great value of this group whose presence in the workforce has been ignored for far too long.

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