
6 Tips For Finding Your Work-Life Balance

June 16, 2017

We speak a lot about how boomers have become an integral part in shaping the modern workforce as well as retirement. We’re all very aware that as a group, boomers would prefer to keep working as long as possible, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to enjoy the other aspects of their lives. One of the most important things for boomer professionals is finding the ideal work-life balance. This is that balance that allows them to continue enjoying the fulfilling nature of work, while still being able to enjoy life. It’s a hard balance to strike and for many boomers, they aren’t sure how to find it, but there are ways. So if you won’t to get some of your life back while staying in the workforce, here are some things to keep in mind.

Let your intentions be known.

The first thing you need to do is let your work know you’re looking for a change. You can’t just expect to cut your office hours in half and there not to be any problems. There might be stipulations that come into play, they might need some time to adjust to your request, or they might just plain refuse. It’s a possibility and you need to decide if that means you need to move on to something more flexible. Whatever decisions are ultimately made, you first need to make your intentions known.

Quality work doesn’t mean more hours.

Boomers are known for their strong work ethic, and in some cases it’s that work ethic that keeps them from finding their work-life balance. That’s not to say that’s you need to do away with your work ethic to achieve your goal, but you do need to rethink how much you need to put into your job. Too many boomers think that unless they are working around the clock they aren’t really putting forth a solid effort. However, you should know that it’s not the time spent at work that matters but the quality of your work. Keep doing the best you’ve always been doing and let yourself step away from the office more often.

Don’t be afraid to say no.

Once you put forth your intentions to scale back your work, it doesn’t mean that the work suddenly won’t be there. Certainly, you’ll still have plenty of people asking for your input, to take on new projects, or any number of other tasks. It will happen, so it’s up to you to say ‘no’. That’s hard for some people but if you want to establish that balance, it’s something you’ll have to get used to. It’s not selfish, or rude – it’s necessary to get back to your life.

When you leave the office, leave work behind.

Many of us know that work generally does not stop once you pass through the office doors. Maybe you have one task that keeps nagging at you and you feel like you could relax a little more if you just took a few minutes to sort it out. Of course, it never is just a few minutes, is it? Learning to leave work at work takes some training but it results in a very freeing feeling. Knowing that leaving the office means you’re leaving behind all your work responsibilities just helps you to enjoy those off-work hours all the more.

Step away from the emails.

Emails can sometimes feel like they rule your life. Your inbox can fill up no matter what your office hours are. If you start answering just one message, you can find yourself spending the whole day trying to empty your inbox. Save it for the office. Get a separate email for your private life so you’ll have no reason to check it outside of work.

Establish rules.

For many, establishing a work-life balance is like trying to break a habit. You’re so used to the time you put into your work that suddenly scaling back can feel foreign. To help you get into your new schedule, you’ll need to establish script rules to follow. These rules should hep you to step away from the office. Take Fridays off. Turn your work phone off on weekends. Never stay past 5 o’clock. Whatever rules you come up with, try to stick to them and you’ll find a much more balanced life.

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