
6 Simple Tips For Healthier Eating

July 11, 2018

We would all like to eat better – and despite what we like to tell ourselves, it’s fairly easy to do so. Most of us have a pretty good understanding of what’s healthy and what’s not. We able make the right choices even if the bad choices sometimes come easier. You may not be able to change your lifestyle over night, but by following a few simple healthy eating methods you can set yourself on the right path.

Eat whole food.

The latest health trends can seem more like the latest fads than actual viable health options. But eating whole foods just makes sense if you actually think about it. Even with food considered “healthy”, there’s so much added to it that it puts its nutritional value at risk. Whole foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts and farm-raised meat provide the nutrition you need without the harmful additives. You can find whole food stores in just about every major city and with reasonable prices. Enjoy a lot of the same foods you eat now, just in much healthier forms.

Dedicate time to cooking.

So few of us take the time to cook a health-conscious and balanced meal. And that’s understandable. With work and other commitments, it can be hard to fit in your schedule. But setting aside an hour each night for cooking can really help develop better eating habits. It allows you control over your meals more than store-bought frozen dinners or, certainly, take-out. With the internet as an endless resource, you can find all the recipes to fit your lifestyle. Besides all that, cooking can be a very relaxing activity. You might just discover you have a hidden passion for the culinary arts.

Colour is good.

Check out the produce section in your local supermarket. It’s the most colourful place in the whole store – nature is trying to tell us how good veggies are for us. That’s a good rule to go by when planning your meals. If your plate is looking a little bland with the same brown to beige colour scheme, add some bright greens, red and yellows to the mix – using foods that are naturally those colours. These are the foods that are packed with the nutritional goodness you need in every meal. Remember, the more colourful the better.

Give yourself time to be full.

Ever eat a meal so fast you forget what it tasted like? If that sounds familiar might try slowing down meal time a little. Eating fast not only takes a toll of our digestion, but it also contributes to overeating. It time for your stomach to tell your brain that it’s full. When you eat at a regular pace, you allow that communication to occur and stop yourself from eating more than you need to. Eat too fast means you eat more than needed before you even realize you’re full. Slow it down and enjoy each and every bite. It’s not a race, after all.

Be aware of your portions.

Portion control can be another big struggle. You get used to these big plates of food and start to convince yourself that’s how much food you need. Most people have far bigger portions than necessary. Smaller, more frequent meals is said to be better for your metabolism to break down. There are very helpful guides that can demonstrate the proper portion sizes for every aspect of your meals. It might seem like not enough in the beginning, but in time you will get used to eating a properly sized meal.

Drink more water.

Something else that helps keep your metabolism going is drinking your daily fill of water. While some think you should eat breakfast first thing in the morning to kick-start your metabolism for the day, a big glass of water can do the trick as well. And that goes for the rest of the day as well. When you’re in between meals and feel like you need a snack, a glass of water can often help beat those hunger pains.


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