record vinyl

Old Music Outsells New Music For The First Time

January 29, 2016

Have you turned on the radio recently and thought “I don’t recognize any of this music”. It will happen to us all at some point, and often sooner than you think, that you’ll fall behind on popular music. That is unless, by some miracle, the music you grew up loving suddenly made a comeback into popularity.

Well, it appears that miracle has indeed come. For the first time ever, the biggest selling category in the 2015’s music was catalogued albums. In other words, old music has outsold new music.

The category of “catalogued” music is a broad one as it encompasses any music older than 18 months, but there is a distinct influence truly older music is having on those sales. For instance, in the top ten selling catalogued albums of 2015 include music from Pink Floyd, Miles Davis, and (of course) The Beatles. Not to mention the growing popularity of vinyl album sales lean heavily on the “boomers generation” of music.

So keep your head high and play your Simon and Garfunkel with pride because, as it turns out, you are the cool kids.

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