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The Virtual Startup Mentor Program (1)

New Virtual Startup Mentor Pilot Program

June 25, 2021

BoomersPlus announces a new Virtual Startup Mentor Pilot. 

BoomersPlus in partnership with Emera ideaHUB, IGNITE Atlantic and the Nova Scotia Community College have launched a 12-week team based Virtual Startup Mentor Pilot designed to strengthen startup success.  

This team based mentoring pilot intends to evaluate the positive impact of a team mentoring approach on three startups. Using BoomersPlus matching technology, each startup, one from each partner organization, will be matched to a Strategy and Operations Mentor, a Finance & Capital Mentor and a Sales and Marketing Growth Mentor. 

“We believe that participating in this Startup Mentor Pilot will help us build and execute a solid business plan successfully and efficiently.” Said David Hodgson, CEO & Founder of HOLLO medical.

The mentoring team will meet with the startups over a 12-week period. This pilot project intends to evaluate the impact of team-based mentoring on startups. The overall project goal is to strengthen the management and strategic thinking skills of each startup thereby drastically improving the business case and increasing the overall success rate.  

“BoomersPlus has been involved in mentoring organizational leaders, student entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs, seniorpreneurs and start-up founders.  We believe that our systematic matching process and reporting methodology, and national database of thousands of Seasoned Professionals will make our Startup Mentor Pilot unique. We are excited to see the positive impact it will have on startups from across Atlantic Canada.” Said Rick Emberley, Founder, BoomersPlus.com.   

Based on the outcome of this pilot, the intent is to roll out a Startup Mentor Program across Atlantic Canada to help more startups access the wisdom and experience they need to successfully grow their business. The genesis of this pilot comes from the BoomersPlus Virtual Adviser Program and our recently launched Virtual Mentor Program.

Media Contact: 

Kevin MacIntyre




About BoomersPlus.com

BoomersPlus helps organizations, particularly entrepreneurs, survive, thrive, and grow by accessing and leveraging the wisdom of Seasoned Pros for part-time, project-based, advisory, and mentorship roles. We are Canada’s Source for Seasoned Professionals.

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