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ENCORE: The Laughs Keep Coming With Neil Aitchison

October 11, 2017

Welcome to ENCORE, brought to you by Boomersplus.com. This weekly interview show focuses on the boomer community and the topics surrounding them. Each episode, host Costas Halavrezos is joined by an expert guest for an engaging and intellectual conversation on topics ranging from health care, to career plans, to news of the day. The show is presented by BoomersPlus, a service which matches employers with experienced professionals.

Much is said about Canada’s unique legacy of nurturing great comedic minds. However, our funniest men and women don’t always find the need to head to Hollywood or join Saturday Night Live, some of them are perfectly content to stay right at home and making their fellow Canadians laugh. Such is the case with Neil Aitchison, who has had a long career as Kitchner-Waterloo’s favourite funnyman. He is an actor, public speaker, emcee and is perhaps best known as lovable Mountie Constable Archibald F. Inkster. He is also the frequent host of annual Mayor’s Dinners, a beloved community event in Kitchner. He joins us to discuss his long history of making people laugh and the power of comedy.

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