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ENCORE: How The YWCA Has Changed With The Times

September 6, 2017

Welcome to ENCORE, brought to you by Boomersplus.com. This weekly interview show focuses on the boomer community and the topics surrounding them. Each episode, host Costas Halavrezos is joined by an expert guest for an engaging and intellectual conversation on topics ranging from health care, to career plans, to news of the day. The show is presented by BoomersPlus, a service which matches employers with experienced professionals.

The YWCA is an organization with a lot of history. For over 160 years they have been working to empower women in their daily life and eliminate the struggles they face based on gender. However, their mission has changed a great deal over the years and it may be quite different than what most people think of the YWCA.

This week’s guest, Maya Roy, was recently named CEO of YWCA Canada. She joins us to discuss how the organizations has changed recently to address more modern problems facing women. Such areas include housing, sexism in the workplace, and elder abuse. Get an updated view of one of the most long-lasting charitable organization.

Don’t forget, you can also find ENCORE on iTunes!

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