Welcome to ENCORE, brought to you by Boomersplus.com. This weekly interview show focuses on the boomer community and the topics surrounding them. Each episode, host Costas Halavrezos is joined by an expert guest for an engaging and intellectual conversation on topics ranging from health care, to career plans, to news of the day. The show is presented by BoomersPlus, a service which matches employers with experienced professionals.
So many baby boomers, too many bedrooms. That’s the unusual housing problem many Canadians are dealing with now. The technical term is “over-housed”, referring to those people who are living in homes that exceed their needs. While others try to find affordable homes for their young families, boomers are trying to find ways to fill their empty homes. Our guest today is Paul Smetanin, President of the Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis. He says that in Ontario alone there are more than 5 million bedrooms and spare rooms going unused. He joins us to discuss some of the reasons for how this issue became so severe and what can be done to alleviate the problem.
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