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ENCORE: Is Canada’s Retirement Income Crisis A Myth?

September 13, 2017

Welcome to ENCORE, brought to you by Boomersplus.com. This weekly interview show focuses on the boomer community and the topics surrounding them. Each episode, host Costas Halavrezos is joined by an expert guest for an engaging and intellectual conversation on topics ranging from health care, to career plans, to news of the day. The show is presented by BoomersPlus, a service which matches employers with experienced professionals.

Is there a retirement income crisis in Canada? Many people believe the Canada Pension Plan should be expanded and mandatory contribution rates increased. But today’s guest, Philip Cross former Economic Analyst at Statistics Canada,disagrees. Cross says studies show the majority of Canadians are well served by both the pension services and their own actions. He joins us to discuss his views on why there is a perceived problem and how the government’s dealing of it is causing more harm than good.

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