Parks Canada Announces Free Entrance For All Of 2017

January 8, 2016

The Parks Canada just gave us all a late Christmas present. Or, maybe more appropriately, a very early Canada Day present.

In 2017, our great nation turns 150 and to mark this massive anniversary, it has been announced that entrance to all national parks nation-wide will be free for the entirety of 2017, according to CBC News. This is truly a special privilege that all Canadians should take advantage of, as this country has so many beautiful national parks. We have Banff, Gros Morne, the Cape Breton Highlands, and many more. And now they will be available for all Canadians to celebrate this great milestone.

In addition to that generous gift, the government has also announced plans for 2018 to waive all entrance fees for youths under the age of 18, as well as any Canadian who has become a citizen in the last 12 months. A great move to show our young Canadians some of the best this country has to offer, as well as a perfect welcoming gift for our new neighbours.

And just how generous is this gift? It is estimated that Parks Canada will lose about $60 million in 2017. Much appreciated, from us all.

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