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7 Tips For Handling Those Long Airport Layovers

November 3, 2018

Don’t let the airport layover ruin your travel fun.

Nothing can put a delay on vacation fun like a long layover. When you’re in the midst of travelling, the last thing you want is to have to wait around an airport for your journey to continue. Alas, sometimes in order to get those cheaper flights, you need to sacrifice speedy travel. But layovers don’t need to such a drag. With the right planning and the right attitude, your next layover could just be one more part of your bigger travel adventure.

Know your travel plan.

While there’s no sense in obsessing over when you you’ll get back in the air, it’s a good idea to get ready fro the next flight. No matter how long the wait might be, figure out all necessary details for your connection. What is your gate? Are you in the right terminal? Do you need to pick-up your luggage? Sort this out first so you’re not rushed later on.

Explore the airport.

You’re stuck in the airport — why not make the most of the time. There are plenty of airports around the world that offer quite a lot to preoccupy travellers in between flights. There’s shopping, restaurants, bookstores — some even have movie theatres or gyms. You might not be so lucky as to find yourself at one of those airports, but it’s  a good idea to walk around and stretch your legs before getting back on the plane.

Look into joining the VIP lounge.

While adding expenses to your travel is probably the last thing you want to do, a VIP lounge might be worth it if you’re facing a long layover. Many of these lounges can offer you a place to nap, sometimes shower or just unwind and relax away from the hustle and bustle of the airport. Not in the cards for ever traveller but worth a look regardless.

Have a meal, but don’t over-indulge.

Whenever time permits during a layover, it’s a great idea to go get a nice meal. Try as they might, the airline food on flights is not always the most appetizing, so it’s best to go into your next flight with a full stomach. However, you should be careful that you don’t overdo it at meal time. Eating too much can make the next flight quite uncomfortable. Be wary of your alcohol consumption. Drinking to pass the time at the airport bar can lead to you missing your plane altogether.

Bring entertainment.

While you might be looking to save some space with your packing, you probably want to make some room for a bit of entertainment. Some movies or shows downloaded on your iPad can really make the layover more manageable. Or just bring a good book you can devote some time to. You’ll be thankful that you made the room.

Be productive.

Why not not take this time to strike a few things from your to-do list? It can be as simple as planning out your itinerary for the rest of the trip, or diving into your actual work. It’s a great chance to get anything done that might distract from your actual vacation time. If you’re on your way back home after vacation, use the time to get a head start on the work for when you return, because it usually piles up pretty quickly.

Check for other flights.

You might be able to skip the layover altogether. Last minute openings or changes can get you a more manageable flight time without any extra cost. You could get bumped up, leaving less time to hangout in the airport. Or you could get your flight pushed later, allowing you to explore the city or at least get a motel to crash in. There are no guarantees things will work out in your favour but it’s certainly worth a try.


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