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6 Traits Any Great Leader Should Have

May 9, 2016

Leadership is a quality seen in few people. It’s no easy task to be an effective leader and it’s certainly not something you’re born with, despite what some may say. Great leaders develop their skills over time and continue to develop them no matter what role they take. If you strive for just such a position, it’s important to know the qualities that make someone a good leader.

We’ve come up with a list of what we consider to be the most important leadership traits. Of course, this list could be endless, but any leader that truly desires to be effective should exhibit these traits openly and often.

They have confidence

As a leader, everyone will be looking at you during the good times and the hard times. The business world is unpredictable and there will be ups and downs with any industry. You need to be an example for everyone else that you’re not threatened by the down times. Acknowledge and address problems but always have confidence in the organization and its operations. Also show you’re confident in your employees. When they see your confidence it will in turn give them confidence.

They can delegate

Whenever you have people working under you, it’s important to understand their strengths and abilities. Whether you’re in charge of three people or thirty people, delegating responsibilities is a very important aspect of any leader’s role. Just because you’re the leader doesn’t mean you have to take on every job yourself. Use the skills of your team and let them know you recognize their talents. It will take a little less work off your plate while strengthening the team.

They’re positive thinkers

Don’t underestimate the benefits a positive mind can have in an office. That’s especially true when you’re a leader. Addressing problems and mistakes seriously is important, but it’s also important to highlight the positives. A relaxed and happy atmosphere is essential to motivating employees and keeping the work flow productive.

They can manage success and failure

It seems like we’re only focusing on all that could go wrong, but the reality is that a good leader knows how to handle the good and the bad. When an employee makes a mistake or stumbles in their performance, understand that they will likely be harder on themselves they you could ever be on them. The trick is to motivate them and keep them in good spirits so they know not to make the same mistake, but also to remain diligent in the rest of their work.

When an employer succeeds, you must take the time to acknowledge them. A solid employee who is never recognized for their contributions will begin to lose interest in the job and there work will suffer.

They’re excellent communicators

Communication is (arguably) the most important thing in any office and the most underappreciated. When there is good communication within an office, everything is running smoother. There are less mistakes, the collaborations are on point and relationships grow stronger. That solid communication is the result of a good leader. To see such benefits from your leadership encourage communication and make sure your door is always open.

They nurture talent

Recognizing where talent lies and being able to spot it in others is good quality of any leader. Even more important than recognizing talent, however, is knowing how to nurture it. If an employee of your displays the kind of ideas and innovation that suggests they might also make a great leader someday, it’s worth investing some time in that employee. Help them develop skills they have yet to master, show them how the business works, and take them under your wing. Great leaders breed great leaders. Pass your knowledge on.

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