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5 Tips For Making A Personal Budget

March 1, 2017

More and more we hear about boomers and the troubles with their retirement savings. Whether it’s due to paying for their children’s college, caring for their elder parents or simply not having a good retirement plan, boomers aren’t saving enough. If you feel as though you’re heading down a similar path and want to make a change before leaving work, putting yourself on a budget is a great first step. However, many of us might not know where to start and what steps to take, so to ensure your budget will be effective, take a look at some of these helpful tips.

Have a plan

This one should really be a no-brainer. You can’t just say, “I want to save money” and then start a budget. You need to do a little work to determine what your budget will look like and how it will work. Find out how much you have, how much you make, how much you owe and how much you want to save. Make a schedule. You may want to speak to a professional to get this all in order, but just don’t take a lazy approach. There’s no sense in doing it if you’re not going to do it right.

Take a simple approach

Anything related to finances can be very overwhelming and making a personal budget very much falls into that category. You want to make it as stress-free as possible and that means taking an honest look at your spending. Often times, people who are putting together a budget for the first time start making cuts in the wrong places. The point is not to deprive yourself but identify problem areas. Are you eating out too much? Are you spending too much on online shopping? These are the easy changes to make and came make a big difference.

Be realistic

Sticking to a similar thought, your budget needs to be realistic or you’re just setting yourself up for failure. Cutting things that are necessities aren’t doing you any favours, nor is making a savings goal too high or a timeline to short. These may be points you want to reach, but you need to consider what you can reach.

Discuss it with others

As I mentioned before, speaking to a professional is not a bad idea. Since this is a personal budget and fairly simplistic, it’s probably not entirely necessary, but if only to get some advice on how to do it effectively, you may want to consider it. however, it is essential you talk at length with your family about the budget. If an entire household is not on the same page in terms of the budget then it is likely to fail. Discuss the changes that need to be made and listen to their input. They may have suggestions that you never considered.

Remember it’s not concrete

Chances are you aren’t going to build the perfect budget the first time. The good news is, there’s absolutely no reason adjustments can’t be made. Evaluate you progress and success regularly. If you’re not meeting your expectations, make some changes accordingly. It’s doesn’t mean it’s a failure, it’s just a work in progress

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