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5 Tips For Helping Baby Boomers to Sleep Better

December 14, 2016

Recent studies have shown that there is a growing problem concerning boomers and their sleep struggles. While it’s possible that this is a distinct problem for the age group, the more likely answer is that the sleeping culture of boomers is the problem. Boomers are known for their work ethic and needing as little sleep as possible seems to a point of pride for them.

Of course, sleep is extremely important and a lack of it can lead to more serious health problems down the road. Aside from that, the studies have shown less sleep affects work negatively. So it’s time to shake those outdated outlooks and taking in some advice to ensure a good night’s sleep.

Stick to a sleep schedule.

Setting a strict sleep schedule is vital to getting the necessary sleep. The problem is that most boomers assume they can keep up the same old sleep schedules they did in their youth. Unfortunately, when we’re younger, it’s easier for us to readjust our internal clock. As we age, the late nights are harder to put behind us. Keeping a regular bed time will help avoid those nights when you just can’t fall asleep.

Look at changing your sleeping habits.

Some things just become routine in our night’s and without knowing it we can develop some bad habits that interfere with our sleep. With screens becoming such a big part of the modern life, it’s not unusual to take your phone or tablet, read the news or just surf the web. But that comes at a price as backlight screens are hard on your eyes. This can make it extremely hard to fall asleep. Other bad habits you’ll want to avoid includes cutting out alcohol and exercise right before bed.

Consult a doctor about medication.

Sometimes your sleep troubles can come down to something more complex. While some people are a little cautious about using medication to induce sleep, it could be medication that is keeping you from getting a good sleep. Certain medicine can interfere with sleep, but you should certainly not make any changes to prescribed medication without consulting a doctor. As them whether your medicine could be causing your troubled sleeps.

Identify specific problems.

While you’re at the doctor’s office, be sure to consult them about other issues that could be affecting your sleep. Certain conditions such as anxiety and depression could be keeping you up. Managing these conditions, or even your everyday stress can not only help with your sleep but is important for your overall health.

Get some exercise.

While exercise too close to bedtime can keep you up, staying active is essential to getting a good night’s sleep. Be sure to get a daily dose of some sort of exercise and it will do you wonders when you’re in bed. It doesn’t need to be anything too strenuous, but at the very least, make sure you get a nice walk in.

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