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Five Planets Align For The First Time In 10 Years

January 19, 2016

Anyone with an interest in star-gazing and a willingness to get up very early will be treated to a rare sight tomorrow morning. For the first time in 10 years, the five visible planets in our solar system will align and can be seen all at once with the naked eye  Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars and Jupiter will all rise at different times in the early hours of January 20th, but will share the sky at one time. Jupiter will be seen at 2 a.m. followed by the rest over the next few hours, with Mercury slipping in just before the sun rises. But if you have a big day on Wednesday (or a big night tonight), don’t stress out about miss this experience. You’ll have until February 20th to take in the sight. So whether you choose to watch the spectacle tomorrow morning or wait until next month, be sure to bundle up, watch for clear skies, and enjoy the view.

Check out Global News’ article on the event to determine where and when you can watch.

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