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4 Low-Key Ways To Celebrate Canada’s 150

June 26, 2017

Canada Day is fast approaching and, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that this Canada is a little bit of a milestone. Our country is celebrating its 150th anniversary in style all across the nation. It certainly makes this July 1st feel extra special and you might be more inclined than usual to celebrate the big day. Of course, not all of us want to join in on those massive parades and concerts that are marking this historic Canada Day. So if you are searching for a bit more of a relaxing way to celebrate Canada 150, we have a few suggestions for low-key activities that still embrace the significance of this celebration.

Visit a new town.

Canada is a big beautiful country, and even if you lived multiple lifetimes, you wouldn’t be able to visit every square inch of it. However, this special Canada Day is the perfect opportunity to experience a new perspective by visiting a new town. It doesn’t have to an out-of-province visits, as I’m sure there are more than a few undiscovered places in your own backyard. Spend the day exploring the area, discovering its history, and meeting you fellow Canadians who live in the town. It’s a small gesture towards discovering a little more about the country you live in.

Learn something new.

That educational way of celebrating the Canada 150 can be even more direct and you don’t even need to leave you house. Take the time to learn a piece of Canada’s history that you hadn’t known much of before. Our country is full of rich history, some of it inspiring, filling you with pride, and some of it highlighting darker aspects of our history that maybe is not spoken of too often. However, these are all important parts of what makes our country what it is, and none of it should be forgotten. Explore some of that history, even the unpleasant. For example, many of our Native citizens are using Canada 150 to highlight the issues in many of their communities. Hear what they have to say and learn a little more about this country.

Take in some Canadian art.

Part of being Canadian is embracing and supporting our culture. This can take many forms, but on Canada 150, just take the opportunity to enjoy some of the wonderful art that comes from our nation. You could go to one of the many concerts that will be taking place across the country. You could stay at home and listen to a record from your favourite Canadian artist. You could visit an art gallery and take in some paintings from Canadian artists. Or maybe you could sit down with a great Canadian book or movie. There’s so much out there to enjoy if you take the time to seek it out.

Host a new Canadian family.

Canada aims to be a place of tolerance and acceptance. Yes, there are some here that don’t embody those sentiments, but I feel as though the country as a whole tries to uphold those values and if enough of us maintain them, then that is always how Canada will be seen by others. For many people in the world, Canada is a place of opportunity, freedom and safety. The recent Syrian refugee crisis reminded us how lucky we are to be living in a place like this and how we have to help those who were not as lucky. One small way you could do this is by offering to host a new Canadian family for the July 1st celebrations. Invite them over for dinner, go over to their place, or attend a Canada Day celebration with them. Extend some of that famous Canadian hospitality to them and make them feel welcome in their new home.

However you choose to celebrate Canada 150, we hope it is a fun, safe and memorable day for all Canadians!

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