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Why Job Boards Don’t Work For Boomers

April 24, 2017

There have been many commentaries and opinion pieces on how the way of the job boards is slowly dying and becoming obsolete. I’ll not join my voice to the already populated choir, especially since I happen to think that opinion is wrong. Job boards are far from useless tools in the job search world. I’ve used them many times before and found success with them. When I needed a paying job quickly, I took to the job boards and sent resumes out to anything that remotely caught my eye and I was hired. However, the needs and wants of the job seeking boomer are such that job boards are certainly not the way to go.

Job boards work for those times when you need a job, any job, to get by. You’ll likely find one there, but what you won’t find is a career. Job boards are directionless avenues in the job search. For both employee and employer, the job boards represents an option when you don’t know what you want. Each side of the hiring process uses the job board to cast a wide net. Job seekers are looking for a pay cheque, employers are looking to fill a position, neither is dedicated to finding something that will last. While that will do just fine for some job seekers, boomers are often looking for something fulfilling. They have specific goals, wants and needs for their jobs and job boards are no place for specificity.

Beyond what boomers want in their jobs, we need to consider what stands in their way. We’ve spoken often about the hurdles boomers face in the job search and job boards only serve to exacerbate those challenges. Many employers are still wary of hiring an older employee no matter how much experience they’ll bring to the position. There are ways for boomers to overcome this prejudice but a resume won’t do it. Job boards are terribly impersonal and boomers need to be able to present themselves as professional, adaptable and eager workers beyond what their CV says.

While the job boards offer issues for the boomer job seeker, the online job search does have reliable and helpful options. At Boomerswork, we look to incorporate the ease of online job application into a more streamlined and personal approach to finding your ideal job. Instead of searching, job seekers are matched with positions that fit in line with their online profile. Employers who seek to hire through Boomerswork are specifically looking for those experience professionals who can hit the ground running.

If you’re looking to get back in the professional work,

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